(Photo credit goes to Dangle the Carrot blog)
Conspiracy and Consequence:
For the last three years, the GOP and its support bases have been playing with a deadly fire by repeatedly implying the president was not born in America and may even be a radicalized Muslim. Cute as these attacks might seem at their first release, using one method without a firm policy balance can inadvertently bring about electoral destruction, as the party witnessed following the 1998 impeachment proceedings against Bill Clinton.
Leaders from Michele Bachmann to the not-so-right-wing Glenn Beck continue flashing the point for political prime time and monetary gain, leading the press to associate them with mainstream voters of the GOP--a terrible frontal appearance by all means. This sort of behavior has its limitations, and in a national campaign it will only serve to cripple the Republican standard bearer by forcing them to answer questions regarding the party rather than focusing on good recovery polices.
Alienating the New Majority:
Mostly attributed to the media's hateful reporting, but equally due to GOP meanderings, Hispanics now almost categorically oppose the party and its candidates. Perhaps this is only a byproduct of tough immigration positions by its elected candidates, but the visceral rhetoric of top leaders has done nothing to mend ties, and so it faces a critical risk in gaining wide demographic support.
The Anti-Semites:
True, this is a heavy charge to weigh, yet the fringe positions of both potential candidates in Ron Paul and his son Rand as well as Gary Johnson provide visible images of figures who could further handicap a GOP thrust towards victory. Both Pauls constantly speak out against funding to the State of Israel, regardless of the massive threat posed to the country from terrorism should they loose American aid.
This is not to imply that the Center-right is doomed to fail, but drastic changes must be made if their is hope of silencing Barack Obama's surge to historical prominence with a second term. As we well know, notwithstanding his performance in a second four year period, the sole fact of a reelection mandate would render him a spot in the great presidents category by the zealous authors of professorial Marxism in America today. If Obama is to be stopped, it will require skill and temerity, two factors the GOP still severely lacks as of recent days.
Jordan Wells
National Alliance Vice President for Policy
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