
"A party for the future..."

Saturday, December 18, 2010

America's Inevitable Collapse

From a respectful standpoint, one must be willing to congratulate the Democratic Party. After all, despite only four years of congressional power, they have managed to radically implement some of the most extreme ends of their ideological base, only crowned today by the stunning repeal of Don't Ask Don'r Tell, the military's secretive policy towards gay service members within its ranks. Considering the GOP could not accomplish something dramatic like this back when it held such power, bring your hands together for the political ploys and strategies of the center-left! Without their presence, we might truly have governmental stagflation; a limbo in which nothing changes, and yet nothing is accomplished. Merits here are for the party, whether one agrees to their views or not.

Of course, not all change is christened with righteous prosperity however, and this legislative paper is poignant because it represents the collapse of Old America and the values which it stood for, as well as signifying the slope which we are steadily descending into the unmaking of everything which is our country.

With gays having won their initial battle, the test moves as to whether or not gay marriage, which has shamelessly and untruthfully been propped up as the permission of love between two people, will receive nationwide legalization. Considering the "take no prisoners" attitude of Senators Durbin and Schumer, the legalization will likely come within the next eight years, when the Democrats will likely control enough power to override a presidential veto, and thus make the bill law.

Sadly, the individuals making such decisions are not experienced Americans from average walks of life, but wealthy and egotistical Ivy League graduates who will send their children forever to private schools and never risk the mainstream negatives of their own folly in the nation's capitol. Senators like Russ Feingold, Al Franken, Carl Levin, and Chuck Schumer have all voted in a way that defies the very core tenets of their faith,   repealing the military policy despite having no soldiering experience to glean reason from, nor sensible reason to cast their ballots in this manner.

This era of elected officials is the continuation of a dangerous path which shall only end with the undoing of this country's legacy of government and its people. If further liberal congresses take power, they will likely grant amnesty to illegal aliens, solidifying a voting bloc which has been tricked into party support through a capitally dishonest smear campaign against pro-reformers perpetrated by the Democratic Party.

As the successive sessions remove social issues from the political mix, effectively shooting down attempts by the GOP to repeal or reinstate old policies, American society will lose he necessary moral guidances, the absences of which have destroyed the societies of Britain and Germany over the past fifty years. American in the next six decades may very well be like Europe; where political parties differ on solely on economic--not social issues.

All empires must one day fall, yet America was meant for a far greater and longer-term status as a universal decider. Now, with Russia training its own youth in the Church and in respect for the military, the former Soviet nation may very well become the new leader of the world--though perhaps not in the same manner which American leaders have for so long acted. We as a country have grown too spoiled--too undeserving of what we we born with, and that will lead to the collapse of our great union in the near future.

Jessica Yui

National Alliance Vice Chairman

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