
"A party for the future..."

Wednesday, August 11, 2010

Rupturing Hope

The National Alliance Party has forever believed in the success that flows forth from unification, and not self directed actions to eliminate the viability of others in public, or among their private co-habituals. Sad as it may seem, history is potted with examples of division between houses of royalty, and zealous movements to crush or eradicate threats to power or glory in the modern world.

While different individuals are rightfully allowed to make their own conclusions about the worth of treasures or positions of prominent ability on earth, in a general setting those values appear to readily be considered too priceless for society's own good.

Divisive actions, as we have witnessed in the past, spawn from a variety of different issues; but most prevalently, when someone is jealous of affection, wanting of financial success, or desiring absolute power. As a party, we have taken strong actions to prevent this from arriving to the centerpiece of our societal and political stage in this country. Whether or not the result of an election, feud, or conflict brings benefit to our corner of the oratorical and issue based arena, we pledge to stand for the side which is ideal for the nation. Serving the interests of a corporate machine, organization, or political banner is wholly wrong and morally bankrupt, and so comes our stance against it.

The affirmatives may lay claim to the fact that reputation destruction and character assassinations are justified in the pursuit of a higher movement of policy in history, but their views are flawed on a number of levels. You can fool the crowds, enchant the onlookers, and solidify a respected image in the face of the ignorant, but none of those elements leave your stamp on the world a positive one.

Around our nation and the world, their are individuals of wonderfully varying cultural standpoints, as well as spiritual beliefs, but together we should all agree that the state we leave the planet in will be the same state which we hand to the following wave of new coming generations. The foundation we lay is what they will build upon; be it strong and moral, or shoddy and corrupted.

Political entities have some of the heaviest influence on the next path or road which we embark upon as a people.  So for once, laying aside ideology and partisan views, we can instead help everyman, no matter his ethnicity or world view, to enjoy a better future on this remarkable and unique planet. The legacy we leave will be the legacy which we are judged by, and each of us should strive to make it a proud and worthy gift to pass onwards.  

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